MU History
Alpha Phi Omega Toast Songs


More than just a fraternity...
As a group, APO members volunteer for more than 1500 hours every semester in service to the Manuel Luis Quezon University the APO-MU community around Quiapo, and the youth of all Quiapo town. We sell concessions at the Plaza Miranda square, as well as at MLQU Basketball games. We volunteer at the Quiapo Recreation for the elders and part of the hagip sa kahirapan foundation Quiapo chapter, the Refugee Center where we tutor children, the YMCA, and numerous other children’s events such as carnivals. We assist with several projects for the Boy Scouts and Girls couts MLQU Chapter. We keep the street of hidalgo beautiful through Adopt a road between San Sebastian church and hidalgo main streets. We continuously fundraise for the eldest Association, and run the Etc. MLQU school Coffeehouse, a substance-free alternative to the faculty members on Friday and Saturday nights. Also, we recently began helping the following groups: Faith- In-Action " Student Association of MQLU which provides services for the elderly, the Quiapo church, hidalgo Soup Kitchen, and Relay For Life. Ganda nito para sa ating mga kababayan...

More than just a service organization...

APO provides many opportunities for leadership development, including the groundbreaking APO LEADS seminar program, yearly camping trips, and visits to high ropes leadership courses. We also encourage brotherhood among our members, including chapter dinners, parties, and at least three planned fellowship events every week. APO is the largest fraternity in the nation, with chapters on over 1400 campuses in the United States and the Philippines.

Our Location on Campus:

916 R. Hidalgo St., Quiapo, Manila, Philippines

Alpha Phi Omega What Is Alpha Phi Omega? Alpha Phi Omega is a National Service Fraternity - college students gathered together in an organization based on fraternalism and founded on the principles of the Boy Scouts of America. Its purpose is to develop leadership, promote friendship, and provide service to humanity.
Who Can Join?
Any student duly enrolled on the campus where a chapter exists, who joins with the chapter’s members in their service projects, accepts the principles of Scouting on which the Fraternity’s ideals are based, and meets the standards of the chapter concerned.
Why Should You Join?
College should be more than the acquisition of facts and figures; it should also broaden your experiences, expand and test your inherent abilities, and sharpen your social skills. Alpha Phi Omega through its unique program of leadership, friendship, and service can add this necessary but often lacking aspect of college life, and at the same time enable you to help others while helping yourself. “Alpha Phi Omega turns hope into reality and energy into action.”
What Is The Official Relationship Between Alpha Phi Omega And Scouting?
Alpha Phi Omega was founded on the principles of Scouting. The Boy Scouts of America, however, does not govern, control, or finance Alpha Phi Omega in any way, and previous membership in Scouting is not required to join our Fra-ternity.
How Can You Be A Fraternity If You Don’t Have A House?
 Alpha Phi Omega is unique; it is a “Service” fraternity. We use the concepts of fraternalism as a means of providing service to ourselves as well as to others. The fact that our meetings are held in campus meeting rooms or our members’ apartments or dorm rooms does no decrease our sense of brotherhood. In addition, since we are unique, we have no conflict with social fraternities; independents, commuters, dorm dwellers, and social fraternity members -- all are welcome as members of Alpha Phi Omega.
How Can You Join?
There are several approaches -- Ask an Alpha Phi Omega Brother on campus or in your dorm or fraternity house. Contact the chapter at its office (many campuses provide Alpha Phi Omega office space) or at one of its service projects. Ask the Student Activities Office for the name, address, and
telephone number of the Alpha Phi Omega president or the chapter office.
What If There Is No Chapter On My Campus?
Please send an email to APOMU86@yahoo.com

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